Primary Care Networks
We deliver some services across 2 Practices known as a Primary Care Network. Our Primary Care Network is called Island City Network. The services delivered in this way include:
- COVID Vaccination Clinics
- Pharmacy and Pharmacy technician services
- Physiotherapy
- Social Prescribing
This may mean that you receive calls or information from different numbers (than you are used to) for these services. If you are unsure who is calling you please confirm with us by calling any of the following numbers which will come through to our phone hub at the Derby Road site.
Derby Road Group Practice: 02392009265
Our PCN is made up of:
- Derby Road Group Practice (which consists of Derby Road Surgery and Copnor Road Surgery)
- Island City Practice (which consists of Lake Road, Sunnyside & John Pounds)
- Primary care networks (PCNs) build on the core work of current primary care services and enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and social care for our communities. They are crucial to the development of integrated care systems (ICSs) and in meeting the ambitions in the NHS Long Term Plan.